Andrew Smart Thu Oct 06 16:01:35 -0400 2011
Assuming the following class structure...
1 class User extends ActiveRecord\Model {
2 static $has_many = array(array('orders'));
3 }
5 class Order extends ActiveRecord\Model {
6 static $has_one = array(array('user'));
7 }
... the following will do the trick
1 $user = User::find_by_name("Brad Pitt");
Orders by this user can then be accessed simply by the following
1 $user->orders
Alternatively you can do the following
1 $orders = Order::all(array(
2 'joins' => array('user'),
3 'conditions' => array(" = ? AND order.amount = ?", "Brad Pitt", 10)
4 ));
Tim Riggins Fri Oct 07 15:46:16 -0400 2011
Thanks a lot for your answer Andrew but actually I was talking about a many-to-many association (has_many through) with the following class structure :
class Order extends ActiveRecord\Model { static $has_many = array( array('payments'), array('users', 'through' => 'payments') ); } class Payment extends ActiveRecord\Model { static $belongs_to = array( array('user'), array('order') ); } class User extends ActiveRecord\Model { static $has_many = array( array('payments') ); }
Do you think you can help me?
Subject: many-to-many association from the wiki
Hi all!
Just a quick question: considering the many to many association on the wiki (, which is the 'find' insctruction, using the models (not find_by_sql), that retrieves all the orders of a specified amount, let's say 10.0, for the user Brad Pitt ? :)
Thanks a lot for your answer.