Sangar Sin

  • Registered on: 2012-06-06
  • Last connection: 2012-06-25


Reported issues: 0


07:20 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Help with relation has_many (users, groups, users_groups)
The solution is:
class User extends ActiveRecord\Model
static $has_many = array(
array('groups', 'thr...
04:06 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: Help with relation has_many (users, groups, users_groups)
I want to do this on my view but it´s not working:
echo $user->group->name;
I have 3 tables
- users (id, nam...


03:01 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: don’t work with PHP 5.4.3-1 and MYSQL 5.0.75 ?
My production server was updated to this version(PHP 5.4.3-1 - MYSQL 5.0.75 ), and the page that uses phpactiverecord...

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