Alexander Matrosov
- Registered on: 2014-07-07
- Last connection: 2016-05-18
Reported issues: 0
- 03:12 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Get last n record of table
- example
<pre class="code">
$guest = new Guestbook();
$guest->token = Request::input('token', true);
$guest... - 03:03 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: PHP7 Incorrect datetime value: '2016-05-14 19:34:37 UTC'
- after the initialization list the following code
ActiveRecord\Connection::$datetime_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
- 07:34 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: how to check the length of the password
- yet solved the problem in this way, but I think it is not very good
<pre class="code">
function before_save()
... - <pre class="code">
static $validates_size_of = [
['password', 'minimum' => 6, 'too_short' => 'short passwor...
- Please write an example of how to create a record in the 2 tables
Such as the creation of topics and posts in this t...
- 04:13 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Select MAX()
- $max = Model::find(array('select' => 'max(id)'));
- <?php
class Guest extends ActiveRecord\Model {
static $table_name = 'guest';
static $belongs_to = array(
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