Giacomo P.

  • Registered on: 2010-07-05
  • Last connection: 2013-01-09


Reported issues: 0


03:03 PM PHP ActiveRecord General: Php-ar and CakePHP
Does someone used php-ar with cakePhp?
I would like to start a project with both solution because I really like php...


05:16 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Connection parameters
This is not what I was looking for but thank you anyway.


11:14 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: Connection parameters
Hi all,
Maybe this is a PHP issue but I need to make the connection string be parametric.
This is how (usually) th...


03:48 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: add a column in a join
Hi all,
It is quite complex to explain what I need and why ... but I will try...
I have a JOIN between 2 tables "A"...


04:58 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: JSON encoding
I'm back ...
The example shows how to work with only one results, but I need to encode to JSON an array of results.


09:48 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: JSON encoding
Hi all,
I need to create a JSON encoded string of the results of a query, is there an example on how to do this?


03:59 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Add "DISTINCT" to finder
I found a trick using "GROUP BY" instead of "ORDER BY" but maybe someone need an answer to the question too :)
03:52 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: Add "DISTINCT" to finder
Hi all,
I'm using PHP 5.3 + mySQL 5.1.31 and I'm looking for how to add a "DISTINCT" to a finder, I would get this...


05:25 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: Last inserted id
Hi all,
After a save() function in a table with an auto-increment pk, I would like to know which is the id just inse...


03:49 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: andling multiple finder results
How can I handle multiple finder results?
Can I do something like this?
$user = User::find(...)
echo $user[0]->n...

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