Dmitry Sechin

  • Registered on: 2011-05-20
  • Last connection: 2011-06-03


Reported issues: 0


03:19 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: save to table/load from view
Well, maybe there's another solution other then the thing I proposed.
The simplest & straight-forward solution is to...
02:33 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: save to table/load from view
Do you have a usage example for your Binary class?
I think my question is from another area: I need to some Active...
02:28 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: private attributes/methods & small Connection bug
Yes, I will deal with this think at the end of the week.
I think I will create an issue in main repository.


09:49 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: save to table/load from view
I'm developing application which uses PosgreSQL/PostGIS to work with some spatial data.
PostGIS geometry type...
09:40 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: private attributes/methods & small Connection bug
Your ActiveRecord implementation is a useful tool, it has almost every thing I need.
You're doing great work,...

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