Matthew Spence

  • Registered on: 2011-09-23
  • Last connection: 2011-09-27


Reported issues: 0


08:01 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: unnecessary use of private visibility, why?
OK that makes sense...
I would still argue that underscored properties and methods make more sense as it clearly d...
07:35 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: unnecessary use of private visibility, why?
Why not make variables public too? the numbers of times I've wanted information about an object and the property is p...
06:28 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: unnecessary use of private visibility, why?
Libraries should (where posible) be flexible enough to be used not as intended, even in ways the original author neve...


04:10 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: unnecessary use of private visibility, why?
Why are you using private visibility for methods
It makes modifying the deeper behaviour of AR impossible
I underst...

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