Taylor Otwell

  • Registered on: 2010-11-13
  • Last connection: 2011-03-14


Reported issues: 0


11:46 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Saving Date to Mysql Problem
As far as I know, PHP-AR doesn't support custom column names for the automatic timestamps. This probably wouldn't be ...
09:23 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Saving Date to Mysql Problem
Did you know you can just name your DATETIME column "created_at" and PHP ActiveRecord will update it for you automat...


09:31 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Not having luck with advanced validation.
This looks pretty cool! One question though. It looks like you would have to set a "password_confirmation" ...
12:07 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: Postgres fully supported?
I noticed in some of the php-activerecord docs it states "Postgres (not completed yet)"... http://www.phpactiverecord...


05:56 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Change connections in middle of Script?
Totally different one.


12:28 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Virtual Attributes
Wouldn't just explicitly declaring the property "confirm_password" on the model prevent PHP ActiveRecord from knowing...
12:25 PM PHP ActiveRecord Help: RE: Troubles getting started
You don't have to explicitly declare your properties in your model. Remove your two property definitions and see if i...


11:31 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: Change connections in middle of Script?
When I initialize PHP ActiveRecord, I set the default connection. Is there a way to totally change connections in the...


08:58 AM PHP ActiveRecord Help: Help with Associations
For example, let's say I have a "Document" table, a "Chapters" table, and an "Articles" table.
Each Document has m...


02:04 PM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: Saving related objects?
I think your idea would work. But, like you said, I'm not sure it would be the most efficient, especially for large d...

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