Phil Freo

  • Registered on: 2010-08-29
  • Last connection: 2011-03-29


Reported issues: 0


12:53 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: before_find and after_find callbacks
Were those hooks ever implemented? Is this still the best way to do this?
Seems like having a super easy way to plug...


12:45 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: Support for multi-row inserts and "insert ignore"?
Don't have much time right now (just was passively evaluating frameworks). If I ever do get into using this project ...


07:07 PM PHP ActiveRecord General: RE: Support for multi-row inserts and "insert ignore"?
I haven't started using this yet, just evaluating it for my needs. Especially the first request (multi-...
12:00 AM PHP ActiveRecord General: Support for multi-row inserts and "insert ignore"?
If you need to create and save hundreds of new objects at once, it can be much more efficient to have one SQL query g...

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